You are sending {{send.confirm.amount | moneyLong:true}} with
{{send.confirm.fee | moneyLong:true}} fee to the address
Please CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard.
WITHDRAW: {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}}
The minimum withdrawal amount is {{withdraw.minimumPayment | moneyLong:true}}
Do not withdraw ETH to smart contract addresses!
Your transaction may fail if their execution require additional fees.
You are sending {{withdraw.confirm.amount | moneyLong:true}} with
{{withdraw.confirm.fee | moneyLong:true}} fee to the Waves gateway address
The gateway will transfer these funds to your {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}} address: {{withdraw.confirm.recipient}}.
Press CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard this operation.
WITHDRAW: {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}}
If you've been verified and deposited {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}}
you can withdraw {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}} back to your bank account
To do so please make a SEND transaction to the
Waves address 3KXikaHaCid2E44fL4hXcFPF6XYEYNXQgM4
Fees are 1% from the amount transferred
The minimum amount is 500 {{withdraw.sourceCurrency}}
More information about withdrawals
If you have any questions,
please just send an email to
To deposit BTC to your Waves account, please send BTC to the address below.
The minimum amount of deposit is {{::deposit.btc.minimumAmount}} BTC.
{{deposit.btc.bitcoinAddress}} |
Enter this address into your Bitcoin client or wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed,
the gateway will process the transfer of BTC to a token in your Waves account.
Please note that the gateway doesn't apply any fees for this operation.
You can scan this QR-code in order to copy the address.
Amount is optional but it will be added to the QR-code if present.
Do not deposit ETH from smart contracts!
Check if your wallet or exchange uses smart-contracts to withdraw ETH.
We do not accept such transactions and can’t refund them.
You will lose that money.
To deposit ETH to your Waves account, please send ETH to the address below.
The minimum amount of deposit is {{deposit.eth.minimumAmount}} ETH.
Please do not deposit ERC20 tokens! Only Ethereum is allowed.
{{deposit.eth.ethereumAddress}} |
Enter this address into your Ethereum client or wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed,
the gateway will process the transfer of ETH to a token in your Waves account.
Please note that the gateway doesn't apply any fees for this operation.
To deposit LTC to your Waves account, please send LTC to the address below.
The minimum amount of deposit is {{deposit.ltc.minimumAmount}} LTC.
{{deposit.ltc.litecoinAddress}} |
Enter this address into your Litecoin client or wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed,
the gateway will process the transfer of LTC to a token in your Waves account.
Please note that the gateway doesn't apply any fees for this operation.
To deposit Zcash to your Waves account, please send Zcash to the address below.
The minimum amount of deposit is {{deposit.zec.minimumAmount}} ZEC.
{{deposit.zec.zcashAddress}} |
Enter this address into your Zcash client or wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed,
the gateway will process the transfer of Zcash to a token in your Waves account.
Please note that the gateway doesn't apply any fees for this operation.
In order to deposit Euros directly from your bank
account through SEPA transfer you MUST get verified
by our partner
Read more about SEPA transfers
List of eligible countries and IDs
In order to get verified follow the link:
We don't accept international wire transfers from US Citizens or from USA Banks
In case the link doesn't work for you,
please just send an email to
with your Waves wallet address as the subject
In order to deposit USD directly from your bank
account through wire transfer you MUST get verified
by our partner
List of eligible countries and IDs
In order to get verified follow the link:
We don't accept international wire transfers from US Citizens or from USA Banks
In case the link doesn't work for you,
please just send an email to
with your Waves wallet address as the subject
DEPOSIT FROM CARD: {{card.crypto.shortName}}
Please note: the minimum amount you can pay is {{card.limits.min | number:0}} {{card.payCurrency.displayName}},
the maximum is {{card.limits.max | number:0}} {{card.payCurrency.displayName}}
For making a payment from your card you will be redirected
to the merchant's website.
You do not own/have not created any assets. | ||||
{{}} | {{tx.formatted.sender}} | {{tx.reissuable}} | {{tx.balance | moneyShort}} |
Issuer: | {{details.sender}} | {{details.sender}} |
Identifier: | {{details.assetId}} | |
Name: | {{}} | |
Details: | {{details.description}} | |
Total tokens: | {{details.totalTokens}} | |
Reissuable: | {{details.reissuable}} | |
Issue date: | {{details.timestamp | formatting}} |
You are sending {{transfer.confirm.amount | moneyLong:true}} with
{{transfer.confirm.fee | moneyLong:true}} fee
to the address: {{transfer.confirm.recipient}}
Please CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard.
You are issuing an additional amount of {{reissue.confirm.amount | moneyShort}} tokens
to the asset {{reissue.confirm.amount.currency}}
with a fee of {{reissue.confirm.fee | moneyLong:true}}
Please CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard.
{{mass.inputErrorMessage}} Please fix the error and load the file again.
Please notice that only the first 10 transactions are shown below as a sample. Use the EXPORT functionality to export the full transaction details to clipboard.
Total transactions: {{mass.summary.totalTransactions}} | Total amount: {{mass.summary.totalAmount.toTokens()}} | Total fee: {{mass.summary.totalFee.toTokens()}}
{{transfer.recipient}} | {{transfer.amount}} |
You are sending {{mass.confirm.amount | moneyLong:true}} with
{{mass.confirm.fee | moneyLong:true}} total fee
to {{mass.confirm.recipients}} recipients.
Please CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard.
With a fair and automated system, Waves' voting area enables communities and projects to achieve consensus for critical decision-making that might otherwise prove difficult or controversial. A full set of analytic tools will also be available to follow up the voting process in real time.
The Decentralized Voting feature launch is estimated for the first quarter of 2017.
You are creating a {{ctrl.confirm.reissuable}} asset named
{{ctrl.confirm.totalTokens}} of total tokens amount
Please note that flagging an asset as NON RE-ISSUABLE is permanent.
Assets created as RE-ISSUABLE can later be changed to NON RE-ISSUABLE.
However, assets flagged as NON RE-ISSUABLE can never be made RE-ISSUABLE.
Please CONFIRM to execute or CANCEL to discard.
Soon to be renamed/rebranded as CONTACTS, this is an area in which users will be able to add other individuals or groups to several list types, providing an easy way to keep track of friends, execute regular, automated payments, and much more.
The Contacts area services are estimated to be completed on the first half of 2017.
DISCLAIMER: The Community tab will temporarily hold block information for testing purposes. After alpha phase this data will be relocated inside the Preferences - Advanced area.
{{community.candidate.block}} | incoming | {{community.candidate.size}} | unconfirmed |
{{block.height}} | {{block.timestamp | formatting}} | {{block.transactions.length}} | {{block.generator}} |